18 research outputs found

    Conditional Reactive Systems

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    We lift the notion of nested application conditions from graph transformation systems to the general categorical setting of reactive systems as defined by Leifer and Milner. This serves two purposes: first, we enrich the formalism of reactive systems by adding application conditions for rules; second, it turns out that some constructions for graph transformation systems (such as computing weakest preconditions and strongest postconditions and showing local confluence by means of critical pair analysis) can be done very elegantly in the more general setting

    Proving Termination of Graph Transformation Systems using Weighted Type Graphs over Semirings

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    We introduce techniques for proving uniform termination of graph transformation systems, based on matrix interpretations for string rewriting. We generalize this technique by adapting it to graph rewriting instead of string rewriting and by generalizing to ordered semirings. In this way we obtain a framework which includes the tropical and arctic type graphs introduced in a previous paper and a new variant of arithmetic type graphs. These type graphs can be used to assign weights to graphs and to show that these weights decrease in every rewriting step in order to prove termination. We present an example involving counters and discuss the implementation in the tool Grez

    Decidability and Expressiveness of Finitely Representable Recognizable Graph Languages

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    Recognizable graph languages are a generalization of regular (word) languages to graphs (as well as arbitrary categories). Recently automaton functors were proposed as acceptors of recognizable graph languages. They promise to be a useful tool for the verification of dynamic systems, for example for invariant checking. Since automaton functors may contain an infinite number of finite state sets, one must restrict to finitely representable ones for implementation reasons. In this paper we take into account two such finite representations: primitive recursive automaton functors - in which the automaton functor can be constructed on-the-fly by a primitive recursive function -, and bounded automaton functors - in which the interface size of the graphs (cf. path width) is bounded, so that the automaton functor can be explicitly represented. We show that the language classes of both kinds of automaton functor are closed under boolean operations, and compare the expressiveness of the two paradigms with hyperedge replacement grammars. In addition we show that the emptiness and equivalence problem are decidable for bounded automaton functors, but undecidable for primitive recursive automaton functors

    Recognizable Graph Languages for Checking Invariants

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    We generalize the order-theoretic variant of the Myhill-Nerode theorem to graph languages, and characterize the recognizable graph languages as the class of languages for which the Myhill-Nerode quasi order is a well quasi order. In the second part of the paper we restrict our attention to graphs of bounded interface size, and use Myhill-Nerode quasi orders to verify that, for such bounded graphs, a recognizable graph property is an invariant of a graph transformation system. A recognizable graph property is a recognizable graph language, given as an automaton functor. Finally, we present an algorithm to approximate the Myhill-Nerode ordering

    Concatenation and other Closure Properties of Recognizable Languages in Adhesive Categories

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    We consider recognizable languages of cospans in adhesive categories, ofwhich recognizable graph languages are a special case. We show that such languages are closed under concatenation, i.e. under cospan composition, by providing a con-crete construction that creates a concatenation automaton from two given automata.The construction is considerably more complex than the corresponding construction for finite automata. We conclude by showing negative closure properties for Kleene star and substitution

    Towards Alternating Automata for Graph Languages

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    In this paper we introduce alternating automata for languages of arrows of an arbitrary category, and as an instantiation thereof alternating automata for graph languages. We study some of their closure properties and compare them, with respect to expressiveness, to other methods for describing graph languages. We show, by providing several examples, that many graph properties (of graphs of bounded path width) can be naturally expressed as alternating automata

    Treewidth, Pathwidth and Cospan Decompositions

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    We will revisit the categorical notion of cospan decompositions of graphs and compare it to the well-known notions of path decomposition and tree decomposition from graph theory. More specifically, we will define several types of cospan decompositions with appropriate width measures and show that these width measures coincide with pathwidth and treewidth. Such graph decompositions of small width are used to efficiently decide graph properties, for instance via graph automata

    A Logic on Subobjects and Recognizability

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    Abstract. We introduce a simple logic that allows to quantify over the subobjects of a categorical object. We subsequently show that, for the category of graphs, this logic is equally expressive as second-order monadic graph logic (msogl). Furthermore we show that for the more general setting of hereditary pushout categories, a class of categories closely related to adhesive categories, we can recover Courcelle's result that every msogl-expressible property is recognizable. This is done by giving an inductive translation of formulas of our logic into so-called automaton functors which accept recognizable languages of cospans

    A semi-automatic three-dimensional technique using a regionalized facial template enables facial growth assessment in healthy children from 1.5 to 5.0 years of age.

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    Objectives To develop a semi-automatic technique to evaluate normative facial growth in healthy children between the age of 1.5 and 5.0 years using three-dimensional stereophotogrammetric images. Materials and Methods Three-dimensional facial images of healthy children at 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 years of age were collected and positioned based on a reference frame. A general face template was used to extract the face and its separate regions from the full stereophotogrammetric image. Furthermore, this template was used to create a uniform distributed mesh, which could be directly compared to other meshes. Average faces were created for each age group and mean growth was determined between consecutive groups for the full face and its separate regions. Finally, the results were tested for intra- and inter-operator performance. Results The highest growth velocity was present in the first period between 1.5 and 2.0 years of age with an average of 1.50 mm (±0.54 mm) per six months. After 2.0 years, facial growth velocity declined to only a third at the age of 5.0 years. Intra- and inter-operator variability was small and not significant. Conclusions The results show that this technique can be used for objective clinical evaluation of facial growth. Example normative facial averages and the corresponding facial growth between the age 1.5 and 5.0 years are shown. Clinical Relevance This technique can be used to collect and process facial data for objective clinical evaluation of facial growth in the individual patient. Furthermore, these data can be used as normative data in future comparative studies

    Digitaalinen kuvankäsittely ja etiikka : Haastattelututkimus Helsingin Sanomien kuvatoimitusten eettisestä päätöksenteosta

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    Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Digitaalisen kuvankäsittelyyn liittyvän etiikan tutkimus on Suomessa ollut melko olematonta. Tutkimukselle on kuitenkin tarvetta, sillä sekä tekninen kehitys että erilaiset muutokset ajattelutavoissa lisäävät eettisen pohdinnan tarvetta. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii osaltaan täyttämään tällä hetkellä kuvajournalismin tutkimuksessa vallitsevaa aukkoa. Tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu, millaisena digitaalisen kuvankäsittelyn etiikka näyttäytyy sanomalehdessä. Tut-kimuksen kohteena oli Helsingin Sanomien kuvatoimitusten henkilökunta ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli etsiä vastauksia seuraaviin erillisiin tutkimuskysymyksiin: mihin etiikkakäsitykseen kuvajournalistien käsitykset pohjautuvat, kenelle tutkittavat ovat lojaaleja ja mitkä tilannetekijät he ottavat huomioon sekä mitkä eettiset arvot ohjaavat Helsingin Sanomien kuvankäsittelyä? Digitaalisen kuvankäsittelyn etiikan tutkiminen aloitettiin soveltamalla professori Ralph Potterin alunperin teologian puolelle kehittelemää eettisen päätöksenteon mallia kuvajournalismin tutkimukseen. Mallin pohjalta haastateltiin 13 Helsingin Sanomien kuvatoimituksen työntekijää. Vastaukset analysoitiin teemoittelemalla, käyttäen edelleen apuna Potterin mallia. Malli osoittautui hyväksi työkaluksi tutkia eettistä päätöksentekoa. Tulosten perusteella haastateltujen eettinen päätöksenteko ei näyttäisi olevan kovinkaan tietoista tai hyvin perusteltua. Digitaalisen kuvankäsittelyn etiikkaa ei enemmistön mielestä tarvinnut erityisesti pohtia, koska kuvamanipulaatioita ei Helsingin Sanomissa pääsääntöisesti tehdä. Tämän lisäksi suhtautuminen digitaalisen kuvankäsittelyn korjailutarkoitusta laajempaan käyttöön oli vastaajien keskuudessa melko kielteinen. Näiden tulosten pohjalta tutkimuksessa pohditaan myös sitä, olisiko digitaalista kuvankäsittelyä mahdollista käyttää nykyistä enemmän sanomalehtien sivuilla. Eettisesti pitävästi perusteltujen, manipuloitujen kuvien käyttö saattaisi uudistaa kuvajournalismia myönteisellä tavalla. Tämä edellyttää sitä, että pidetään huolta siitä, etteivät tällaiset kuvat harhauta lukijoita. Asiaa havainnollistetaan tutkimuksessa kuvaesimerkkien avulla. Teknistä kehitystä ei tutkimuksessa nähdä uhkana lehtikuvan uskottavuudelle vaan pikemminkin mahdollisuutena kehittää sanomalehtikuvien ilmaisukykyä